Product Launch
To celebrate Moment’s launch of its CineBloom Diffusion Filter, we partnered with The Marías to create Spotify canvases with a bloomy cinematic effect. While diffusion filters had existed on the market for some time, we appealed to a straight-out-of-camera cinematic look encouraging both filmmakers and photographers to Take the Edge Off with CineBloom.
A behind-the-scenes film producing the Spotify Canvases further helped to reposition Moment as a marketplace for all kinds of visual artists rather than the DTC mobile lens brand as defined in its origins. The filters quickly became one of the top-selling products among the Moment offering. A community of avid bloom-or-bust photographers and filmmakers continue to share their #cinebloom visuals to this day.
Client: Moment
My Role:
Creative Direction
Timeline: 6 weeks (2020)
Director: Niles Grey
Assistant Director: Mike Dewey
Art Director: Taylor Pendleton
Editor: Taylor Pendleton
Photography: Natalie Allen